Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme: Notification for public information only
Notification for public information only
Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme (EPBC 2022/09295)
The following notice is published pursuant to Section 95B(2) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for an action proposed to be undertaken in the locality of Northern Midlands, Tasmania and is for public information only.
Tasmanian Irrigation is seeking approval to construct the Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme (NMIS), which covers the regions of Cressy, Powranna, Barton, Conara, Epping Forest, the Lower Macquarie and Isis Rivers, Campbell Town, and Ross. The scheme would include 154.8km of pipeline, 1 x pump station, 2 x boost pump stations, and 1 x buffer dam. The proposed action was determined to be a controlled action under the EPBC Act with assessment by Preliminary Documentation. The controlling provision is ‘Listed threatened species and communities’ (sections 18 and 18A).
Public comments were invited on the NMIS Preliminary Documentation between Monday 5th February 2024 and Monday 19th February 2024. The public comment period is now closed. One public comment was received, and the Preliminary Documentation has been finalised to respond to that comment. The Final Preliminary Documentation has been provided to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for assessment and the Minister’s decision on the proposed action.
The Final Preliminary Documentation for the proposed action is available on Tasmanian Irrigation’s website: Hard copies of the Preliminary Documentation, and the public comment response summary, are available at: Northern Midlands Chambers, Campbell Town Library, Longford Library, State Library of Tasmania (Hobart and Launceston), and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
The Final Preliminary Documentation is published for information only, as required by Section 95B(2) of the EPBC Act and will be available for viewing from Monday 25th March until Wednesday 10th April.
Please direct any questions to or (03) 6398-8433. If you need the information in alternative formats, or require translation, please contact Project Development and Delivery department at Tasmanian Irrigation on or (03) 6398-8433.
Information on the assessment process under the EPBC Act is available from this website: