Record water delivery to farmers across State

A record volume of irrigation water was delivered to Tasmanian farms and agricultural businesses this year by Tasmanian Irrigation.

Acting Chief Executive Officer David Skipper said a prolonged dry period from winter 2023 through summer resulted in record demand for high-surety irrigation water across 19 operational schemes.

“The 2023/24 irrigation season was a remarkable display of the benefits of having robust irrigation infrastructure across Tasmania. Access to highly reliable irrigation water is building resilience in farming businesses in the face of a drying climate,” Mr Skipper said.

“An unprecedented 100,593 megalitres of water was delivered to Tasmanian farmers, enabling crops to be finished, pastures to prosper and livestock to reach target weights. This was a 177 per cent increase on the quantity of water delivered the previous year.

“Without this game-changing water, landowners faced reduced yields, crop failure, selling off livestock and reduced revenue, which would have had a marked flow-on effect for Tasmania’s economy.”

The record water delivery is detailed in Tasmanian Irrigation’s Annual Report, tabled in State Parliament today. The report also highlights achievements in delivery of new irrigation schemes, that will continue to grow the value of Tasmania’s agricultural production.

“We are proud to have commissioned the Don Irrigation Scheme, the first of the Tranche Three projects,” said Tasmanian Irrigation Chair Kate Vinot.

“We also progressed work on the Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme, with construction recently starting, and the Sassafras Wesley Vale augmentation project. Augmentation of the Greater Meander scheme is also close to completion.

“I am delighted that despite this significant program of work, Tasmanian Irrigation remained free of Lost Time Injuries in 2023 / 24 and had continued high levels of environmental performance.

“Along with farmers, we were disappointed there was no funding in the May Federal Budget for the Greater South East Irrigation Scheme (GSEIS). While the Tasmanian Government has committed funds for this 37,200-megalitre scheme, the project cannot progress until funding is secured from Canberra.

“We continue to work with the Tasmanian Government, our customers and stakeholders to argue the strongest possible case for the project to secure Federal funding.”

Tasmanian Irrigation’s annual report can be downloaded from our website.


For more information, contact:

Samantha Meyer, Manager Stakeholder Relations and Communications 0438 210 468

About Tasmanian Irrigation

Tasmanian Irrigation exists to secure Tasmania’s agricultural prosperity and growth by ensuring access to water where and when it’s needed. We own, operate, design and develop irrigation schemes to deliver high-surety irrigation water to Tasmanian landowners.

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