Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme

Tasmanian Irrigation has completed an 11,000 megalitre augmentation of the Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme, providing additional water to existing irrigators and also new water to additional areas of this highly-productive region.

Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme Augmentation
Capacity 11,000 ML
Water Sales Open 13 May 2022
Water Sales Close 2pm 24 June 2022
Construction start August 2022
Construction complete 7 November 2024
Water entitlement cost $1,550 / ML

Since completing the construction of the Meander Dam in November 2007, a further four pipelines have been built to expand the reach of the water available from the dam to deliver irrigation water to the adjoining farming districts of Caveside / Dairy Plains, Rubicon River, Quamby Brook and Hagley.

Water is captured in the Meander Dam during the winter months and delivered over a 150-day period throughout the district during summer by releases into the Meander River and by pipelines originating along the river.

A mini-hydro power station is also incorporated into the scheme.

Towns / area serviced

Carrick, Caveside, Chudleigh, Dairy Plains, Deloraine, Dunorlan, Elizabeth Town, Exton, Hagley, Meander, Montana, Osmaston and Westbury

Principal primary production focus of scheme

Dairy, poppies, cereals, pyrethrum, pasture seeds, potatoes, vegetables, berries, nuts and pasture for livestock finishing


KMs of Pipeline




Pump Stations


Power Station

Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme
Approval September 2003
Construction started December 2006
Operations commenced February 2008
Capacity 39,300 ML
Cost $21 million
Number of irrigators 240
Forecast opening 1/11/2022
Forecast closing End March
Daily flow rate 345 ML / day
Initial water sales cost $1,100 / ML
Percentage of entitlements sold 100%
ML available to buy 0
Order Water from the Scheme


Please contact our friendly team for more information about the Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme:

Deloraine Office
Water Orders
(03) 6369 5586 (fax)
Brett Bennett
Scheme Operator
Cameron Walker
Scheme Operator
Michael Cresswell
Irrigator Representative Committee, Chairperson
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