Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme
Tranche One

Nestled in the undulating hills of North-East Tasmania, water from this scheme is also used to supply the domestic needs of local towns

The Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme commenced operations in December 2015 and services the Ringarooma, Legerwood, Branxholm, Alberton, New River, Talawa and Forsyth Hill areas in North East Tasmania. Water is sourced primarily from Dunns Creek and stored in the Dunns Creek Dam. Reliability is underpinned by supplementary pumping from the Ringarooma River during periods of low rainfall.

Water is delivered throughout the district by the river and also via 37.7km of pipeline. Pump stations are incorporated into this scheme at the dam and at Cottons Bridge. Water is also supplied to TasWater from this scheme.

Towns / area serviced

Ringarooma, Legerwood, Branxholm, Alberton, New River, Talawa and Forsyth Hill

Principal primary production focus of scheme

Dairy, potatoes, vegetables, poppies, wheat and pasture for livestock finishing

Length of irrigation season

150-day summer delivery (depending on rainfall, additional water may be able to be supplied by the scheme outside the irrigation season)


KMs of pipeline




Pump Stations


Power Stations

Approval August 2012
Construction started June 2013
Operations commenced December 2015
Capacity 5,700 ML
Cost $28.0 million
Number of irrigators 37
Forecast opening November
Forecast closing March
Daily flow rate 38 ML / day
Initial water sales cost $1,200 ML
Percentage of entitlements sold 76%
ML available to buy 1,345 ML
Order Water from the Scheme


Please contact our friendly team for more information about the Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme:

Troy Bowen
Scheme Operator
Stan Cox
Irrigation Group Chairperson
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