
The provision of water in Tasmania involves many organisations. Here are some links to some major participants:

  • Tasmanian Irrigation maintains a register of all entitlements in each district. Tl must comply with water license conditions imposed by DPIPWE for the delivery or harvest of water from specific watercourses. Other irrigation schemes are self-managed by local water entities.
  • NRE (Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania) have overall responsibility for management and regulation of the river systems and compliance under the Water Management Act 1999. This site has links to other sites dealing with water management. It also provides a portal to a Water Information map showing flows, discharges and capacities for many sites around Tasmania.
  • Hydro Tasmania manages an extensive network of modified lakes, rivers, streams and canals in the hydro-electric catchments. It has a special license to take water for power generation and also provides water for irrigation.
  • TasWater has responsibility for the provision of drinking water and sewerage services. For further information on Tasmania's urban water and sewerage industry structure and regulation, please see Urban Water and Sewerage Reform.
  • The Department of Health regulate the quality of drinking water from public systems. This includes providing information on ensuring the safety of rural drinking water supplies (eg rainwater tanks, groundwater bores and farm dams.
  • The Environment Protection Authority regulates sewage treatment plants and offers guidance on wastewater issues. The EPA is also responsible for water quality measures, and to address any problems associated with water pollution. The following links may also be useful:
  • Click here for information about wastewater
  • Click here for information about the use of recycled water
  • Click here for information about on-site waste water management systems

The EPA also aims to address the problems associated with water pollution through a process of detection, control and remediation. It is responsible for the environmental assessment of high-risk activities that have significant potential to pollute waterways and may use the enforcement provisions of the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 to require the clean-up and remediation of waterbodies affected by industrial pollution.

  • ANCOLD is an Australian based industry body that focuses on disseminating knowledge, developing capability and providing guidance for all aspects of dam engineering, management and associated issues.
  • Tasmanian Irrigation is a corporate member of the Australian Water Association. This is Australia’s biggest water network promoting sustainable water management.

Water Testing Facilities

These laboratories can carry out tests on water samples. Please contact them for specifications and the fees that apply:

Tasmanian Natural Resource Management

These groups in the North, South and Cradle Coast areas work to prevent waterway decline resulting from poor land and waterway management. Advice and incentives for riparian land management and streamside restoration is available in some areas.

Contact your local NRM group:

Elizabeth Macquarie Irrigation Trust

Contact: Jan Davis, Scheme Manager
PO Box 3, Ross, Tasmania, 7209
M: 0409 004 228

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